About Us

At the Recovery Hub, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, fostering positive change and resilience in the face of substance use and mental health challenges.

Vision and Mission

The Recovery Hub envisions a community where every individual in recovery is embraced with compassion, dignity, and unwavering support. Our Mission is to provide safe, inclusive space where individuals can access services, resources, build connections, and thrive in their journey towards sustained recovery.

Impact on The North Metro Area

The Recovery Hub aims to profoundly influence our community by providing a safe space to access behavioral health treatment services

Empowering Individuals

By providing resources, education, and support, the Recovery Hub empowers individuals to reclaim their lives and pursue their aspirations with renewed vigor and resilience.

Building Connections

The Recovery Hub serves as a nexus for building meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging among community members, strengthening social bonds and reducing isolation.

Promoting Advocacy & Awareness

Through advocacy efforts and community outreach initiatives, the Recovery Hub contributes to building community resilience and reducing stigma surrounding mental health and substance abuse.

Community at Heart: Building Connections and Support at the Recovery Hub

At the heart of the Recovery Hub is our commitment to a vibrant, community-driven approach to recovery. We understand that true healing stems from robust community connections and mutual support. Alongside our traditional co-occurring treatment services, we integrate a rich tapestry of community-enriching activities. Our offerings include recovery meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Wellbriety, as well as programs like recovery yoga and meditation classes to foster mindfulness, and horticulture therapy to connect with nature. This diverse range of activities ensures that everyone in recovery has a place to connect, share, and grow together in a nurturing and supportive environment.

“I have an excellent psychiatrist through them. Their support staff is very professional & helpful as well.

— Aaron S.